Scouting locations
My film setting will take place in an actual park. This particular location is where we will be filming our shots and I choose this particular place to film for our opening scene because this setting is conventional to the genre that I choose(thriller) this setting plays a big and important part in the opening scene.
My story board is broken down into shot size, shot type, camera movement, and also the subject of the shot.. Along with how lighting is portrayed and where the scene will be located. I use the app studio binder for my storyboard and I highly recommend it because of following reasons for one it makes things a little loss difficult and everything is organized in a way for you to use and complete your storyboard.
casting actors:
cast members are going to be people that is helping me to produce this opening scene film project so, the cast and crew has already been chosen based on how the character visually look and who has the best personality for each of the characters. in this film project.Some of the considerations were going to take when it comes to scheduling and preparing our actors is separating the shots that will be the hardest to film from the easiest for our actors we will have daily practices of there lines get them into the shape or mindset of their characters and having a well oriented spirit while filming so the film comes out exactly how we want the audience to see.
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