Film openings Author:(Juliana Guerrier) Due date:(October 29 2021,11:59) published date:(October 29 2021 11:59) Key elements/features of opening scene: Elements: 1 .I nciting incident -is the event that creates the characters initial surface problem in other words this is the action part of the scene the part that is plot based. 2. Story worthy problem- this is the push or cause of the initial surface problem it is what the protagonist will face at the end of the story or scene. 3. The initial surface problem -the problem that occurs as the straightforward result of the inciting incident. 4. The setup -the way the opening scene is "set up" 5. Backstory -includes everything you need to know about what's happening in the current time of the inciting incident. 6. A stellar opening beginning - first thing your readers will be able to see so it is very important 7 .language -create a memorable language w...
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